Wednesday, February 18, 2009


5 Things I was doing 5 years ago:
1: Worked at La Bella's Salon
2: Had Dawson
3: Sold our house in Fredonia
4: Moved to Fernley Nevada/lived in a camp trailer
5: Moved to Escalante

5 Things I did today:
1. Donated Plasma
2. Got burger king for breakfast
3. Took Dawson to school
4. Watched kids
5. Picked up the house

5 things I would do with a Million Dollars:
1. Buy a few acres and build a house on it
2. Be debt Free
3. Run my own businesses
4. Invest
5. Buy a few toys

5 places I have lived:
1. Kanab, Utah
2. Gallipulis, Ohio
3. Fredonia, Arizona
4. Fernley, Nevada
5. Escalante, Utah

5 jobs I have held:
1. Hardison Logging-Doing firewood
2. Honey's Jubilee-Supervisor
3. La Bella's-Hairstylist
4. Escalate sawmill-Bagger
5. Daycare provider

5 things I want to be doing in 5 years:
1. Going to Dawson's and Dallee's Sports events
2. Vacationing on the beach with my husband
3. Working in a salon, making lots of money
4. Hopefully I will still be in the same Bunco group
5. Moving into a bigger house with a bigger yard!!

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